My Own Decluttering

Thanks to all of you who got in touch to say that you and your friends and family are finding the Decluttering TV tips very helpful, it makes my day to hear from you! I wanted to let you know why I haven’t got around to recording any new videos in the last few weeks.

I’ve been recovering from a couple of recent health issues, and they have forced me to stop in my tracks and start decluttering some of the old lifestyle habits that just don’t benefit me. Like many people, I have a really sweet tooth and although I enjoy cooking, I can be a bit lazy and tend to opt for convenience. (I still love heading out home for mammy’s dinners!) I recently signed up for a much-needed session with a Nutritional Therapist as well as a Healthy Eating Cookery Day, and I’ve started to clear some the rubbish from my diet so I can make space for more varied and nutritious food. I’m making little changes every day and although I can never see myself giving up things like chocolate, the tweaks do seem to be paying off health and energy-wise.

I’ve also suffered from hip pain for the last number of years and after finally accepting I needed help (not sure why I ever felt the need to hang onto the problem!) I got amazing results with an alternative Chiropractor, practically overnight. I guess I never thought the issue could be sorted, and I can’t believe how much better it feels. All that sitting with my legs crossed did come back to bite me!

My Own Decluttering with The Declutter Therapist

In terms of exercise, I find the trampoline (or mini-rebounder) great and I’ve been using it on and off for about 10 years. A fortnight ago, I attended a local rebounding class for the first time and although I’m seeing now that my rebounder has actually had a very good life, it was brilliant fun. Rebounding has something like 40 separate health benefits and is terrific for getting rid of stress, toxins and extra weight.

I pushed the boat out with the henna video a while back, and I’m in two minds as to whether I will record a Decluttering TV video on trampolining in the future! (I’ll probably regret this, but… opinions welcome!)

I look forward to keeping you posted on my eternal quest to clear the clutter. I love the clickety-clack and I find that some decluttering-related subjects are best explored in written format. So going forward, these decluttering tips will be a combination of Decluttering TV videos and decluttering articles. If there’s any area of physically, mentally or emotionally ‘letting go’ that you’re interested in please don’t hesitate to add a comment below or drop me a line at and I’d be delighted to cover it in some format.

Breda x


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