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Understand the essentials for successful personal and professional decluttering.
One-day one-to-one training via Zoom or in person
What is The Declutter Academy Foundation Training?
You will understand the core aspects for successful decluttering of your own wardrobe, home and workspace:
- Avoid most common personal decluttering mistakes, pitfalls and timewasters
- Uncover key personal decluttering skills, knowledge and tools
- Lay pathways to greatest personal decluttering success
- Ensure lasting, long term results with personal decluttering
- Reap benefits from personal decluttering that impact every area of life
You will understand the core aspects for successful decluttering of your client’s wardrobe, home and workspace:
- Navigate biggest professional decluttering untruths, misunderstandings and misconceptions in the media and decluttering industry
- Discover the most critical blocks and obstacles that prevent people decluttering
- Recognise how to approach effective, efficient decluttering services and decluttering business
- Uncover the ways to ensure satisfied clients who recommend your professional services
- Discover what a building a rewarding decluttering career entails
How do I know if The Declutter Academy Foundation Training is for me?
We recommend this Foundation Training for anyone who wants to understand the key elements of successful personal or professional decluttering or is thinking of creating a business in decluttering or is interested in undertaking The Declutter Academy Certified Training but isn’t quite ready or needs more information. This one-on-one mentoring-style training is designed to give the student guidance and clarity on both the individual’s own and the client’s wardrobe, home and workspace decluttering and organising.

Train with The Declutter Academy Creator and Leading Decluttering Expert since 2010
The Declutter Academy Foundation live, one-day training is in person with Breda Stack and students have the option to train virtually via Zoom or locally in person if more convenient. Breda of Declutter Therapy is leading expert in decluttering for over thirteen years. Irish decluttering author, speaker, coach, trainer, media contributor, founder of National and International Declutter Day, charity spokesperson and decluttering consultant to global household brands, Breda also specialises in the little-understood “LET IT GO” mindset. She shares her key personal and professional decluttering-related guidelines, tips and encounters through The Declutter Academy Foundation Training.
- One-day training with Breda Stack, The Declutter Academy creator
- Broken into two phases: Phase 1 Successful Personal Decluttering Overview – 9.30am to 12.30pm, Phase 2 Successful Professional Decluttering Overview – 1pm to 4pm (also option of doing over two half days)
- Training can be done virtually on Zoom or in person if convenient to local area (Limerick/East Clare/North Tipperary)
- Some flexibility with training days/dates
- The Declutter Academy Foundation Certificate of Attendance
- Exclusive, full day personal access to course creator and leading decluttering expert since 2010 (option of doing over two half days)
- Hard copy (printed folder) of The Declutter Academy Foundation training material
- Copy of Declutter Therapy hardback book
- €500 discount on any further Certification training undertaken with The Declutter Academy
- Professional mentoring at special rate available for guidance and direction in any future decluttering business or client work
- €500
- Full payment in advance (payment details will be provided)
- Please contact breda@decluttertherapy.com now to book your place on The Declutter Academy Foundation Training today. I look forward to supporting you on your special personal and professional decluttering path and sharing this fun, inspiring and transformative learning experience with you!
I had, as far back as I can remember, an aptitude for decluttering/tidying/organising. However, I felt that these capabilities were under-utilised and as a consequence I was not entirely fulfilled in my professional life. It wasn’t until I found The Declutter Academy training that I realised that I could obtain a professional qualification in the area of decluttering, offer services that really could be used to help people and also be fulfilling for me professionally. I thought what the training covered was ideally suited to my interests and that I had to be part of it. I was so thrilled someone had built a business in the area and was now helping others do the same.
For years I had doubted whether decluttering really was something people were interested in as a service so I kept my interest purely private. While I was an active declutterer myself I rarely shared my hints and tips with others. I hadn’t made any attempt to do any work in the area before I did the course as I didn’t know how a career could be built in this area. The lovely thing about the course is that I now have total confidence that there is a need for these services and that I’m now equipped to deliver them.
From the start the course outline and goals were clearly laid out. Access to all online training material was immediate and material was of the highest quality. The hard copies mirrored the online content and were always available on the day of training. Breda could not have been more helpful in sharing all other helpful ancillary materials such as body shape guides she had found useful in her years of experience.
The course days themselves were always enjoyable and always linked back to real world examples of the ideas we were discussing. Breda is also very clear on each person developing their own particular voice and approach to providing declutter service and she encouraged to find our own areas of interest within the field.
The training has given me the confidence to embark on a completely new and exciting profession. It has also helped me to find clarity in other aspects of my life and to live in a more mindful way, letting go of things that do not serve me.
Everyone I have worked with has remarked at the noticeable difference in their physical space and how much better they feel afterwards. Not alone that but as we have applied the training to address the root causes of their clutter they have also benefitted from the fact that their relationship to their wardrobe, household or office has altered entirely.
Before I found The Declutter Academy training I found it difficult to make decisions relating to the letting go of items in my home, particularly those with emotional attachment. I felt frustrated, sometimes sad, overall fed up with the build-up of these items with no progress being made.
While I am a very organised, I had tried myself to get rid of items and while I did make some progress, I always felt stuck with some items and they always seemed to build up again.I absolutely love clearing clutter, making clear space which in turn I believe helps clear the mind, de-stress and make your home and you ultimately happier. There were a few options of professional training online, but because it was an Irish company, I supported The Declutter Academy. I am passionate about keeping business local and supporting our own whenever we can.
The Declutter Academy’s approach and content appealed to me as I very much liked the personal touch that Breda brings to the table. There was a very in-depth amount of information with easy access and great knowledge and learning to be gained.
Completing The Declutter Academy has helped me greatly. Opened up my mind to the reasons why I keep unnecessary things in my home. My emotional connection to items and the guilty feelings I have for letting things go, being explored and understood much more. I’ve also realised my natural abilities for organising/personal style and home style and built on these which I’ve really enjoyed.
The Declutter Academy “LET IT GO” philosophy has been hugely influential in my daily life. My home, my clothes, my belongings – I look at these so differently know. I embrace who I am and have really let go of worrying about what other people think. I do me!
Since doing The Declutter Academy my family have become accustomed to change around the home now and can see the benefits. I want my children to go out into the world and think twice about what they purchase and why. My close friends have begun to send me photos and videos as they are being influenced by our conversations and my newfound knowledge. It is so interesting to see the effect this is having on them; I am quite blown-away. My pro-bono clients were extremely grateful, they again say that I have inspired them and continue to work on their homes following my sessions. They are so appreciative of the work I completed with them and it is helping to keep them focused on their decluttering journey and particular new purchases, be it clothes, make-up or cleaning items – they now think twice.