My New Year’s Decluttering

So, Christmas was only just over and, unsurprisingly, I got itchy feet. As much as I had fun putting up the decorations and enjoyed the twinkle and sparkle over the festive period, the house always feels a bit cluttered to me after the 1st of January! In one way, there’s a bit of disappointment in having to acknowledge that the celebrations are over for another year – Christmas is without a doubt the most hyped-up event on the calendar. On the other hand, the house always feels so much brighter and more airy when the decorations are boxed and atticed off. I always like what that reclaimed space represents in terms of New Year, new start.

If you’re like me and your living area isn’t very big, you’ll notice that even a few new Christmas goodies put extra strain on the already-at-a-premium space. With the decorations out of the way for another year, we got stuck into a bit of decluttering and reorganising.

We updated my husband’s wardrobe, giving what was suitable to charity and recycling the rest. We amalgamated the contents of two wardrobes into one, and we were able to give the spare free-standing wardrobe and extra hangers to a family member who just moved into a new home. We also passed on some useful electrical goods that we weren’t using.

Having reviewed the bookshelf we donated a dozen or so books to charity (I have my favourites that I flick through again and again, and I’m kidding myself if I think I’ll ever get around to reading anything that isn’t non-fiction). We cleared out old batteries, light bulbs, rechargers and headphones (these become obsolete and gather dust very quickly) and we disposed of them conveniently at our local recycling plant.

I also went for a run… jog……..walk……………. early in the New Year (although my in-laws got a great laugh out of it when I mentioned it on New Year’s Eve) and it was great for clearing the old mental clutter!


So, your turn. What do you need to let go of this New Year? Please share your comments below – I would love to hear your thoughts.

Decluttering and letting go....

Decluttering and letting go….