I’m on TV!

I’ve had a few opportunities to go on telly over the last couple of years, and this week I finally decided to take the plunge!

I’ll be on the Today show on RTE on Friday, 25th September from 4.10pm to talk about National Declutter Day and other aspects of my work. Although I’ve done quite a bit with radio in the past, both behind the scenes and as an interviewee, TV is a different animal altogether and I’m really nervous! I went to college with co-presenter Daithi O Se (we actually sat together at our first Irish lecture exactly 20 years ago this week!), so thankfully the pressure’s off a bit as it should just be like having a chat with old friends. I hope you get a chance to check it out, and, needless to say, all good wishes gratefully received! 🙂

UPDATE: You can check the interview out on the RTE Player at – it’s 53 minutes in at http://www.rte.ie/player/ie/show/today-30001768/10471701

A very sincere thanks for all the support and kind words before and after the interview!


Concentrating during decluttering interview!

Concentrating during decluttering interview!


Relieved after decluttering interview!

Relieved after decluttering interview!

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