Welcome to 2020, which is being regarded as the year of 20/20 or perfect vision. This “perfect vision” is all about having a full and clear picture of where we are and what we want in our lives, and I think this is a lovely focus for the next twelve months!
Many of us don’t take the time to stop and consider what we want out of life – we are busy getting on with things and somewhere along the way, in our many big and small responsibilities, we understandably forget we have the ability to choose or make change.
The clarity of perfect vision is something we all deserve. This clarity grants us a sense of trust and guidance as our dreams, plans, ideas or intentions and the actions to make manifest are guided by a keen awareness and understanding.
We should welcome confusion or “imperfect vision” as life’s tap on the shoulder to recognise how far we’ve come and re-evaluate what we prioritise, value or hold dear. But continually living without clarity is tiring and tormenting. And when the clarity wavers from one day to the next it can be frustrating and disheartening.
Many times in my own life I have been weighed down by a lack of clarity (or clarity that vanishes as soon as it arrives!) and without this sense of purpose or inspiration I have felt like I was just functioning. One thing that always works for me is sitting down to figure out what I love and what makes me tick today so I can make the decisions that are best aligned to my happiest life. This sounds easy and obvious in theory, but you’d be surprised how many of us find it difficult to tap into what we really like and want. Many of us also see this investment of time as unnecessary or a luxury.
In our inability to make decisions and be clear in our thinking, feeling and acting, our lives and living spaces become cluttered, disorganised and overwhelmed. This impacts us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And it can be hard to see the light when we have lost confidence or forgotten how to choose, select, define and order.
I can teach you to declutter and let go with clarity so you feel freedom and peace of mind in your wardrobe, home, life, and even your personal style and your shopping. If you would like to help friends and family or learn to build the decluttering business that’s right for you, you can find out more about my three transformative levels of convenient online decluttering programmes here.