Decluttering Workshop 04-04-14

Following on from another really enjoyable Decluttering Workshop, I’m delighted to announce that the next one takes place on Friday 4th April 2014.


Decluttering your Bedroom

Decluttering your Bedroom

A recent workshop attendee started decluttering her kitchen worktop once she got home after the workshop – it had been weighed down with clutter for years! She kindly shared a ‘before’ and ‘after’ picture…

Client's Kitchen BEFORE Decluttering Workshop


And just a few hours later….

Client's Kitchen AFTER Decluttering Workshop

So it’s Friday 4th April 2014 in the Strand Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick. Please note that bookings have already been taken and places are limited.


Get the full info, see Testimonials from my previous workshops and book your place securely here.