Decluttering And The Art Of Giving

Decluttering And The Art Of Giving

I had a real spot of luck recently. A family member received an unwanted gift of a birdwatcher and, having held on to it for a self-imposed period of obligatory politeness, they kindly decided to pass it on to me. I had been talking a lot about my new birdwatching hobby so I guess I was the natural recipient of this apparatus! Funnily enough, I had been thinking about buying one not so long before, but I never got around to it. Where would one even look for a birdwatcher?

So I set the birdwatcher up in my living room, and, thanks to the lure of strategically-positioned peanut and suet-ball feeders and my new Collins Bird Book I have been learning the habits of busy blackbirds, noisy starlings, cheeky robins, solitary wagtails and loved-up pigeons!

Decluttering And The Art Of Giving

Decluttering and The Art of Giving


I heard a saying recently (source unknown, unfortunately) that “Hoarding teaches the pleasure of giving” and although I don’t love the word “hoarding” (see this episode of Decluttering TV to find out why), you get the sentiment. When we overcome our fear of lack we can give in the most free and enjoyable way, and this is so rewarding.

It just goes to show how very different we all are in terms of our tastes and lifestyle requirements. So, succumb to the power of decluttering, embrace The Art of Giving and delight in how your trash becomes someone else’s treasure!