Declutter Your Mind Monkeys

Declutter Your Mind Monkeys

The vast majority of us suffer at the hands of our mind monkeys. Noisily chattering away, these fellas swing through the jungles of our mind, fighting for our attention and depriving us of peace and contentment. Some even call this domination of the mind “the human condition”, implying that, despite the passage of time, mankind has been unable to master negative thinking.

Our monkeys plague us incessantly, firing abuse and insults at us. They busy us with:

  • Regrets about the past: “You should have told him where to go.” “I can’t believe you said that, you keep putting your foot in it!” “That wasn’t good enough, you failed again!” “That top looked desperate on you.”
  • Worries about the future: “You’ll need to lose more weight.” “You’re guaranteed that holiday will be a waste of money.” “You’ll never be as cool as him.” “You’ll definitely get sick after being caught out in that shower.”

Because we think our monkeys are minding us and speaking the truth, it’s almost funny what we let them get away with. More insidiously, this chatter is often subconscious, which means we’re not actually consciously aware of it (and therefore in a position to tackle it) but yet we are still affected on an emotional and physiological level. As we waste time indulging these robbers of joy, we’re not living the now. And as virtually none of this mind clutter is true, it, of course, should go unheeded. But for all of us who suffer from this affliction, easier said than done!

Meditating is one solution, or for anyone who finds that a challenge, simply doing what brings you joy. Painting a picture, listening to music, spending time with a child, walking the dog… the list is endless. Anything that takes you out of yourself where your mind becomes still and you find yourself losing track of time. These creative right-brained tasks reduce the dominance of the analytical and sometimes-obsessive left brain.


If you are ready to Declutter Your Mind Monkeys I can help – check out my 6-month online Declutter Your Life Programme here.

Declutter Your Mind Monkeys

Declutter Your Mind Monkeys

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