New Declutter Your Life Retreat

It’s been on the cards for quite a while and after the great success of my Decluttering Workshops I’m really excited to announce my new service, Declutter Your Life Retreat. This 2-day weekend event will be focused on helping you to clarify and clear the clutter in your life that’s weighing you down and making you feel overwhelmed, stressed and drained. We’ll be decluttering on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, energetic, etc. – with a view to creating a happier, simpler, more purposeful life.

This event takes an entirely unique and cutting-edge approach to decluttering, and I’ll be encompassing the most effective skills, knowledge and techniques from courses I’ve undertaken in Interior Design and Architecture, Styling, Project Management, Card Reading, Reiki, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Quantum Thinking Technologies (QTT) and Life Coaching, along with the hundreds of books I’ve read and things I’ve learned personally and professionally along the way!

I’ll be running the first Declutter Your Life Retreat in early 2015. I can’t wait to start fleshing out the programme material [brings me back to my beloved first job in IT!] and further details to follow. Places will be very limited to ensure best results, so please contact me now to register your interest at

Declutter Your Life Retreat

Declutter Your Life Retreat