Declutter Your Body

Declutter Your Body

As you might know, I see clutter as anything that doesn’t make you feel good, and that includes the foods that don’t nourish or work for your body. The lovely Deborah Cooney of Wellness Rocks has been giving excellent free recipes and tips for the last while and she focuses on flavour and ease of preparation as much the nutritional value of each ingredient. I’ve known Deborah for years and her approach to wellness is all-encompassing in that it covers the mind, body and spirit. I truly believe this holistic approach is what gets lasting, long-term results, and a similar philosophy has guided me to create Declutter Therapy.

Have a watch of Deborah’s great video on how you can declutter your body by detoxing with a super juice.

If your appetite has been whet for more of the same you can join Deborah’s mailing list underneath the video or on her home page Enjoy!

Declutter Your Body

Declutter Your Body