Help for Hoarding or Clutter

Are you looking for help for hoarding or clutter? I’m very excited to say that my Understand Hoarding support tool is now available for access.

It’s great to see decluttering more out there than ever, and unfortunately I find there are still so many unhelpful misconceptions around the subject – much of the information skirts over the reality of the situation and can be off-putting, sensationalist and even misleading.

One of the main reasons I decided to create this support tool is that I have received an overwhelming number of messages from all around the world – some of whom have spent years or even decades trying to find the right direction, advice or help for hoarding or clutter for themselves, their friends and family or their clients – and I have found it frustratingly impossible to always support or give the level of information that I believe is really needed to make lasting progress with clutter or hoarding. This very accessible Level 1 support tool provides a solid overview of my core teachings, just the right level of detail so that you can take the first step and get the clarity and motivation to finally move forward with your own decluttering or your family or client situation.

We feel bad enough about our clutter and that’s why it’s been so important to me to create a “Declutter Therapy” that provides help for hoarding or clutter in very down-to-earth but also gentle and compassionate way – nothing else works. I’ve been covering some of the principles in this support tool in my talks and workshops as well as with my one-to-one clients and students since 2010, and the feedback is consistent that the information is very new, unexpected and gives decluttering a whole different meaning. Countless people who had been struggling with decluttering all their lives and who’ve attended even my one-hour talks have been in touch to say that they were so inspired they began to declutter as soon as they got home – this transformation is incredible!

Regardless of how little or much clutter we have, I truly believe we cannot achieve tangible or lasting success with decluttering if we don’t take the time to understand this complex and sensitive issue – it makes me sad to see how so many of us waste our valuable time, energy and even money trying to declutter, and that well-worn cycle of planning-trying-failing is really crippling.

For help for hoarding or clutter that brings clarity, freedom and relief, I cannot urge you strongly enough to do this support tool before you start your decluttering or even try one more thing.

Find out full details and register for immediate access today here.
