5 Fab Jewellery Organisers

5 Fab Jewellery Organisers

Storage solutions don’t have to look nasty, and when well-chosen they can complement the décor in a space, even becoming a design feature. I find I’m so much more likely to vary the jewellery I wear when it’s visible and accessible (and not in a stress-inducing tangled mass of knots at the bottom of a jewellery box)!

Here are 5 fab jewellery organisers that are both practical and pretty.

5 Fab Jewellry Organisers

  1. Rotating Magnetic Jewelry Organizer Tower, €40.41
  2. Frame Jewelry Organizer, $149.91
  3. Jewellery Trees, various prices
  4. Mirrored Jewelry Armoire, €119.87
  5. Gold Jeweled Jewelry Tree Stand, €34.86


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